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We bring the widest range of electronic training collars for basic and professional training dogs. Choose from more than 10 top brands of electronic collars at an unbeatable price. From personal experience, we recommend the brand Aetertek or SportDog, with regard to ease of use and warranty of 3 years.
Our customers include experienced cynologists and the owners of the first dogs. The common denominator of electronic collars from proven and best producers of quality, reliability and ease of operation.
Electronic training collars to help in the education of tens of thousands of dogs breeders worldwide. Use is beginning dog owners and experienced cynologists. The principle of electronic training collars is simple. For example, if your dog is constantly running in the woods and does not respond to the call via the electronic collar, which is an essential part of the receiver is placed on the collar and transmitter, which has a trainer in hand, alerting him to return. Training collars have usually several levels broadcast signals - sound, vibration and electrostatic pulse, which admonishes him easily from a distance. Because dogs very quickly understand the sequence of signals it is usually enough to point a vibration or sound. The advantage is that in a similar situation can react immediately and the dog to "punish" and thus distance. This naturally has a completely different effect than when the dog catches up after half an hour and will punish him then.
It is a mistake to think that the use of dog training collar is the failure of the owner. Electronic collars have become a welcome aid thousands of professional cynologists, which enable more effective working with dogs trained and troublesome individuals. In the training collars can also see another dimension - thanks to their use may end up in shelters less recalcitrant dogs, with whom the desperate owners will not know what to do. Training collar is a friendly tool for training a dog. Get it for regular and professional training. With our instructional training collars you can handle any dog.
There are various electronic collars. It is important to choose the right type. You should take into account the size of a dog, but also, for example, accessories or different functions collars. We recommend that electronic collars to choose from especially the type, breed size, function and correction type, features and accessories. Training collars are divided according to correction type (signal) to several types: electric, ultrasonic, vibration, spray or sound. Finally, we choose training collar and by brand. Popular training collars include Aetertek or SportDog. For breeders larger number of dogs are popular solution electronic collars for two or more dogs.
When you are selecting the appropriate electric fence or collar and you are lost, we are ready to give you advice. You can contact us in several ways: Infoline on 721 471 118, email or using online chat in the bottom right corner.
Choosing the right electronic collar is important. Every dog is different and suits him something else. Therefore, we have prepared a unique offer! Not only will assist you with the selection of the electronic collar , but you have a whole one month of trial period! Unless the collar is not suitable, replace it!
The electronic collar for dogs (sometimes inaccurately referred to as an electric collar) is an advanced training device that is completely safe and correct use of collar can not hurt the animal. Electronic training collars popular with professional cynologists worldwide has its proponents and opponents. It is important to select a good training collar and learn to use it well. Each tool can be dangerous if you do not use it with discretion, forethought, and follow the instructions. The same is true of electronic collars for dogs.
Electronic collar works on the basis of discharges which are for dog uncomfortable but not dangerous for him. Every experienced breeder knows that without admonition or physical punishment you can not train a dog. Instead of slaps on the ass you can use just electronic collars. You will aprecciate it e.g. when your dog runs away does not respond to the call, because you can control him remotely. Electronic collars are bought more and more by responsible dog breeders, who know that disobedient and ill-mannered dog can cause a variety of problems and ultimately can cause harm to yourself.
with walking along without guidance and reliable calling or stopping dog (commands "Stop", "me", "Stay" and "stay") Unteach pulling on the leash, running away for the game, other dogs or humans
to interrupt undesirable activities dog ( "yuck", "must not") - unlearning bad habits during daily coexistence with people, eg. taking food off the table, jumping at people, pawing, eating excrement, unwanted barking, howling like.
precision training, virtually each exercise, the dog must be obedient as accurately and reliably as if it was on (hundreds of meters long!) with the removal of undesirable dependence on the lead which the dog knows very well and it adapts its behavior
Electronic collars investigated by the Central Commission for Animal Welfare, which, among other things. Said: "The so-called Electronic collars have undergone in the last 8-10 years of tumultuous technical developments and they have almost nothing in common with their predecessors, which used a much greater intensity of electric power and completely, or almost completely, were lacking any regulatory elements. For reasons of animal welfare and unification of standards were established by the International Association manufacturers of electronic collars (ECMA), which deals with this issue thoroughly, and in addition to its own research also commissioning studies expert and scientific workplaces. Today's modern products from reputable manufacturers, associated in ECMA, fully respect the gentle treatment of animals, and their use in many cases helping to replace some of the traditional methods of dog training that can be to animals much less considerate. "
Electronic collars are recommended for use from 6 months. Carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer. Select the appropriate pulse rate (the dog should react on impulse, on the other hand, should not be for him too painful - like a whimper.). Collars usually offers various levels of warning (beep, vibrate, pulse). The dog will very soon realize sequence of signals, so then you just use the sound, eventually. vibration signal.
The more practical function training collar, the better you will control a dog. The most important and also the most basic functions, which should contain a collar, the notification sound and electrostatic impulse. Most sold today electronic training collars, has supplemented these functions even vibration. Quite often, these features are complemented by additional functions. Collars have following features:
Sound notification: an audio alert should always precede El. pulse. The dog will soon learn that annoying electronic pulse is preceded by an audible alert and learn to respond to longer beep. In practice it is usually the most used function.
Vibration: Usually used as an intermediate step between the audio and el.impulse if the dog does not respond to alert sound. Vibration intensity can usually be set at several levels. For only vibrating collars it is a major feature, the effectiveness of such collars is very limited, and these collars are therefore more suitable for small and sensitive dogs.
Electrostatic Pulse: Serves as a correction pulse and is used when the previous sound and vibrating alert are not helping. To the best efficiency should allow adjustment collar intensity electrostatic impulse.
Spray Correction: This is a kind of corrective signal when the remedy is using the spray, which is by pressing the appropriate button sprayed the dog's nose. It is the second most effective and painless method of correction on the market.
Booster: This is an emergency button that has set higher power pulse. It is used most often in crisis situations. A higher value is either firmly preset by the manufacturer, but is often the programmable button.
Light: This function is carried out in several variants. Often, it is only a flashlight on the remote control, possibly a laser "pointer". A better solution is LED located on receiver which remotely illuminate using the driver. This will give you an overview of the darkness where your dog is.
Anti-barking Mode: Some electronic collars have a built-in anti-barking mode, which automatically detects and prevents unwanted barking and howling dog. If the dog starts barking, the collar activates and alerts the dog with a beeping sound or vibration. In case the dog barking continues, it is followed by a correction pulse, which by nature of the collar may be a spray or electrostatic pulse.
A very important factor when choosing efficient electronic training collar is the size and breed of your dog. If the weight of your dog from about 5 to 50 kg, it will be most effective training collars enough. The problem with the selection, however, comes when your dog among the mini breeds, or vice versa between breeds extra large. On the small breeds could be the impetus for some collars too strong or receiver collar for its size completely inadequate. For large breeds, indeed, the collar will not have sufficient efficiancy. If the dog is at the top weighting interface usability collar or your dog are among the breeds with a low threshold of pain (usually fighting breeds), it is always better to buy such a collar, which has sufficient reserve capacity. When a crisis (mainly instinctive behavior of the dog), it is necessary to envisage the use of corrective stronger correction than the normal use of the collar.
Another important feature when choosing a collar is operating distance of collar. A typical range of collars is sold from 200 to 4000 meters. If you can not decide what to choose, it is appropriate to take into account when selecting the following factors: location and terrain where your dog moves: If you move often in rugged terrain (or forest), it is advisable to choose training collar with a longer range. Featured range with collars is always in ideal conditions, ie on a plane without obstacles. In the rugged wooded terrain or naturally reach significantly decreases (due to the propagation properties of radio waves). Method of Use: Longer range will need a hunter in the woods or a user who runs a dog regularly for the game. For normal use of most users, especially if you want to use a training collar rather to call the dog, warning or seeking attention, you very well and collar with a range of up to 350m.
Another very important feature is the resistance against water. Most often you encounter these water resistance. Without protection: it is not protected against water system has to be kept in a dry environment. Waterresistant: Receiver is only resistant to weather conditions (snow, rain) Waterproof: Receiver is resistant to moist environments and can be submerged in water.
Power of the collar is a very important factor when choosing who should not be underestimated. Especially cheaper models training collars are most often powered by an ordinary 3V, 6V or 9V battery. The price of these batteries is roughly 50 to 150 CZK and it is therefore appropriate to take into account when choosing a collar and operational costs, which can reach up to several hundred per year. Some training collars are even used atypical batteries that bad hustling or batteries supplied by the manufacturer, which can be bought only from the manufacturer or seller of the collar. For this reason, we recommend that rather collars that are powered via built-in battery that recharges easily via a USB cable or a network.
For effective use of training collar it is also important to control it. The easier controls training collar offers, more comfortable, more agile and therefore more efficient collars are. The most convenient is, if a collar and its every feature has custom button. This eliminates the annoying switching between functions that resides. Collars with these controls are suitable for all activities, especially for a dog running away for the game when you need to react very quickly and call the dog before it leaves range of the collar.
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