1) Unpacked
The device is only unpacked, or the packaging has been damaged and has therefore been repackaged in non-original packaging. The item has never been used.
2) Used*
The item has been used as a demonstration, in a store, or has been exchanged by the customer within a few days. May not have original packaging, at most a few light scuffs.
3) Lightly used*
The device has been used for 5 - 15 days, there are already visible claw scratches.
4) Heavily used*
The device has been used for 15 to 40 days, there are very noticeable scratches or teeth marks. It can be serviced, refurbished.
* We only sell 100% working items that can be used just like new. For example, waterproofness and other features are always preserved. The warranty period for category 1 and 2 is the same as for new goods, for category 3 and 4 the warranty period is 12 months. The goods can be exchanged or returned within 30 days. Always include complete accessories unless otherwise stated.
Training collar Canicom Spray is designed for even the most sensitive and stubborn dogs. After purchasing an additional receiver you can expand the training of up to two dogs at a time. Canicom Spray is for those dog owners who want to train your dog without using electrostatic correction. It offers the possibility of training with 4 stimulation: sound, vibration, short and long spray. With training collar Canicom Spray can train your dog to a distance of 300 meters. Training collar Canicom Spray turns on the magnet, after switching on the collar you to display all the indicators - selection of dogs, batteries, correction. Each pack contains one bottle of spray (75 ml). When setting short spray application last charge on the collar up to 60 spray applications, with long spray application is 30 applications. One spray lasts generally 8 filling.
Num Axes Canicom Spray helps you train your dog without using a dog leash within 300 meters. 300 meter range is sufficient for basic training most dogs. Num Axes Canicom Spray is ideal for use both in town and in the forest, where they are, however, worse conditions and may reduce range.
Correction type
Num Axes Canicom Sprey has no electrostatic pulse and has the option to use as a correction notification sound, vibration, and long / short spray. For each function button separately, it is important for rapid control collar.
Battery and charging
The transmitter is powered by a 3-V CR2430 lithium batteries whose status will show on the LCD display. The receiver is powered by 3-V CR1 / 3N lithium battery and it shows you the status LED on the receiver. Battery life is 88 hours (meaning spray with 1 long + 1 + 1 sound vibrations every 8 minutes).
Num Axes Canicom Spray has a waterproof receiver and transmitter. They do not mind slight rain or mud, but they must not be immersed in water. It is therefore deální choice particularly for basic use.
Nuber of dogs
Num Axes Canicom spray can after you purchase your next receivers can be used for training two dogs at a time.
Num Axes Canicom Spray has high-quality LCD display. The display you have every index - the type of correction, indicating the state of charge / discharge the battery state of charge and the choice of dog.
Collar lenght
Num Axes Canicom Spray has a very nice quality dog collar made of plastic. Collar length is adjustable from 20 to 65 cm.
Transmitter has a width of 4.5 cm, height 9.8 cm, depth 1.8 cm and its weight is 50 g including the battery. The receiver has a width of 6.2 cm, height 4.3 cm, depth 4.1 cm and its weight is 70 grams with an empty filling.