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Scalibor anti-parasite collar for dogs 65

Scalibor antiparasitic collar for dogs against ticks, mosquitoes and hookworms, 65 cm long. Antiparasitic collar for large breed dogs. For dogs only! Effectiveness of the collar after 1 week of use. 

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In stock 2 pcs
35.30 €
35.30 € pcs
Product code: P7195
Warranty: 24 months

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Scalibor anti-parasite collar for dogs 65
Scalibor anti…
35.30 €

Product description

Scalibor antiparasitic collar for dogs against ticks, mosquitoes and hookworms, 65 cm long. Antiparasitic collar for large breed dogs. For dogs only! Do not use on puppies under 7 weeks old and dogs with skin lesions or hypersensitivity to pyrethroids. Since the full effect of the collar occurs only after one week, the collar should be put on one week before exposing the animal to a possible infestation. In rare cases, ticks may become attached while the collar is in place. Therefore, under adverse conditions, transmission of infectious diseases by ticks or hookworms cannot be completely ruled out. Lactation and pregnancy can be used. 

Use: Remove the collar from the sealed protective bag. Fasten the collar around the animal's neck without tightening it too much. There should be space between the collar and the dog's neck to insert two fingers lengthwise. Thread the end of the collar through the buckle and cut off the excess length of the collar 5 cm above the buckle.


Our company is certified by the Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biopreparations and Medicines for the sale of reserved medicines. 

The product is included in categories

Pet Supplies Antiparasitics Antiparasitic collars For dogs

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Size Large dogs, Mid-size dogs

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